The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34613   Message #469246
24-May-01 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: wash tub bass
Subject: RE: Help: wash tub bass
The "Bass Foodle" 's neck can be detachable. It uses 4 electric Bass strings, but is played like a stand up bass. It can be bowed or plucked, with the sound board anchor and the full length trash can (as opposed to a washtub.) it has real tone, Oh yes, there are two "F holes" cut into the sides of the inverted trash can. Furthermore, it doesn't take a superhuman ability to judge "string tension" to get a chromatic response , it only takes the same sort of training that one would need to play a bass fiddle. The Bass Foodle . Oh Hell, I'll figure out how to send scanned images in E-Mail and send a drawing or photograph to Dick greenhaus. Rick Fielding and "Anglo" Have my CD "Spanning the Decades" and Sunsul and Kat/Katlaughing will soon have the "New improved version. Several of the tracks were recorded with my recording equipment with which I did all the instruments and all the voices. I used the Bass Foodle on all of these, Maybe Rick will play one of them on his radio show.

Let's see if I can learn how to do this bit of electronic legerdeemain and I'll get back to you.
Later, Jody Gibson.