The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34011   Message #469249
Posted By: Marion
24-May-01 - 12:30 AM
Thread Name: Predictable Chord patterns
Subject: RE: Predictable Chord patterns
Hey M.Ted!

re: "Here is your quiz question for the day--if I were to play the Melody to "Blue Moon" over just *one* chord(and I have been known to do that), what one could it be, and why? "

I like to sing Blue Moon in G, so I'm going to guess that the one chord I want is G major.

I look at the melody and found that the longest held notes are D (moon, alone), B (heart), and G (own); the three notes of the G major triad. So I assume that the chord would be at least based on G major (which seemed kind of intuitive anyway).

So then I looked at what other notes are in the melody, and found C, A, and E. I noticed that C and E only appear on offbeats and A appears once on an onbeat, so I decided to ignore C and E and concentrate on A.

So I tried GaddA (using my index finger to do the extra work in the middle strings, are you listening Rick?) but it definitely wasn't an improvement on plain G.

So I thought, that A is kind of connected to a ii chord, and it's the C natural that defines Am, so what if I added a C? So I tried both Gsus and GaddC (using my conveniently available index finger, of course, Rick), and neither was an improvement on plain G.

Then I decided that strumming plain G through the whole song wasn't that bad... certainly less objectionable than anything else I had tried.

So how did I do? I suspect the correct answer is G with a bunch of additions and subtractions that I never would have stumbled on... but do I at least get partial credit for showing my work, or fingering the G chord properly?

Thanks M.Ted, it's been a long time since I sat in front of the computer with a guitar.
