The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34710   Message #469811
Posted By: Kim C
24-May-01 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gas Prices II
Subject: RE: BS: Gas Prices II
Yes, Carol, I absolutely would! Hemp is one of the most useful plants known to man and the current regulations on it are stupefying. It would also be a great boon to the paper industry as we wouldn't have to harvest so many trees. Personally I would love to grow hemp so I could harvest it for fiber and spin and weave my own cloth.

Sure, tall people can fit in smaller cars. But what about my firewood? Can't get much in the boot of a Ford Fiesta.

I used to want an MG Midget until I saw more than one accident in which such a small car somehow drove UNDER an 18-wheeler. A friend was killed in one such accident.

Now what about vans? I haven't heard anyone say anything about vans or buses either, for that matter. Or other large transport trucks.

Somebody mentioned diesel in the other thread. Diesel cars for some reason haven't ever gone over well in the US. I drove a diesel VW Dasher back in the 80s when diesel was cheaper than gasoline (at least here it was). Trouble was, when it broke, nobody wanted to fix it. Eventually it died and went to VW heaven. Nowadays, diesel costs just as much as everything else, and sometimes more, at least here in Tennessee. But lemme tellya, that bugger ALWAYS started.

I wouldn't personally mind driving a smaller vehicle for myself, for everyday use. I would LOVE a PT Cruiser. However, unfortunately, I can only afford one car payment at a time. The Buy Kim C a Smaller Car Fund is currently accepting donations if anyone would like to contribute. :-)