The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34695   Message #471372
Posted By: Abby Sale
27-May-01 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: Are folk lyrics ever 'wrong?'
Subject: RE: Are folk lyrics ever 'wrong?'
Lucy & Art: No, I didn't become myself clear to make. Also, you may (I'm not sure) not have actually read the text I posted of this very well-know and evolved song. I was throwing out the thought that if anyone felt a need to sing the "original" version of a song (and I sometimes do, myself) there can often be an negative surprise at just what the original was. It might be awful, eg. That is, is might be an artsy-fartsy 18th century salon tripe that later folk-processed into something really fine. Or it might contain sentiments you're not entiely sure you want to express. Or it might be better. "Cat" was just an example.