The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34766   Message #471413
27-May-01 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: Help: WWII & Brit'Cat Musical Quesions
Subject: RE: Help: WWII & Brit'Cat Musical Quesions
iT AINT,"BLESS EM aLL" anyway. The first line, as I learned it in the 1947 US Army starts with the letter"F"

Of all the WWII songs from Brittain the one that got to me the most was, "There'll be Bluebirds Over the White Cliffs of Dover" which was recorded by Vera Lynn. I told this story before in some other thread, but I'll say it again.

When I first heard this song it was during the time when no one knew whether or not England would survive. Things were so bad that the English People were sending their children to the U.S. and Canada so that there would be someone left to carry on if Brittain fell. My dad and I were listening to the radio one evening and they played Vera Lynn's record. I was 11 or 12 years old, my dad was in his early 40's I looked over at him and there were tears in his eyes. So, of course, I started crying.

The song says a lot about the English people's resolve, hope and faith in the future that is typical of these people.

Brittain could not have survived without the "Stuff" that we sent them. And, make no mistake about this, The German People are a very resourcefull courageous and strong race. WE WOULD NOT HAVE COME OUT OF THIS WAR UnSCATHED, AS WE DID, IF ENGLAND HAD NOT HELD OUT ALL BY THEMSELVES, AS THEY DID.