The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33999   Message #471897
Posted By: SINSULL
28-May-01 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: PORTLAND,ME Chanty Sing 2.5
Subject: RE: PORTLAND,ME Chanty Sing 2.5
For the record and before Matt lectures me on my disturbing habit of visiting single Mudcat men - we were well chaperoned by Brett's two daughters and a boyfriend at the Naemanson household and by bats, squirrels, and god knows what at Linn's.
Also for the record - Brett never used his pick-up line on me. He walked into the airport, looked around, shrugged, and walked out. I went running after him without my luggage (a serious breach of etiquette for a New Yorker) and threw myself in his arms with "Hey Sailor! Are you looking for a good time?" He turned into "Sweet Young Thing" on the spot and said "Yes." while blushing and stammering and giggling. At least that's my version of the tale.
And yes, we had a good time. I haven't laughed that much since the unfortunate breakdown I suffered at a recent concert...but we'll let that go for now.
Brett, thank you for playing chauffeur and inn keeper. Bring your daughter to NYC and I will reciprocate!