The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34546   Message #472505
Posted By: JenEllen
29-May-01 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Shangri-La Continues (Pt. 2)
Subject: RE: Shangri-La Continues (Pt. 2)
The two conversed quietly until dawn, when Annette noticed that Curioso's breathing had become regular, and he dozed, leaning against the packs. She crawled out of the tent, shivering in the morning mist, and stretched with her hands above her head.

She walked to where Tirseng and Bierce sat by a fire, and then squatted to pour herself a mug of tea. "Messieurs, bonjour." she muttered, taking the first of the hot liquid into her mouth. "Ahhh, l'amour du bon brassent!" The two men remained quiet, reserved, and Annette looked to Tirseng for explanation.
"I was telling Bierce of Mallory's disappearance..." he quietly offered.
She sighed, stood, and went to Bierce, enveloping him in a gentle embrace. "Yes, a good man, insouciant perhaps, but a good man none the less.." She softly brushed the mist from his cheek and returned to the fire.

"What of our wanderer? Did Curioso return in the night?" asked Tirseng.
"Yes, Snowleopard. It seems that the brother's reach extends even beyond this valley..."
The two men gave each other questioning glances and moved to squat by her at the fire. There she told them Curioso's words of the previous night.
"Well, I'll be damned..." spoke Bierce
"Oui, monsieur, we might all be."

At this, the flap to the Princess' tent flung open to dispose of a madly scurrying sherpa. He shuffled to Annette's side, gave a slight bow and said: "Rje mo, your presence is requested."
Annette raised an eyebrow, looking first to Ambrose, who only shrugged, and then to Tirseng, who nodded slightly before returning to the coals. Annette stood, bowed to the sherpa, and followed behind him.
She brushed aside the tent flap, and stood for a second to allow her eyes to adjust to the relative darkness of the tent. Sitting on the edge of a pallet, surrounded by silken pillows, was the Princess.

"So we meet, Khatsa? I heard you speak out there, do you have no shame?" asked the Princess.
Annette's jaw tightened in defense as she replied, "When it is a matter of my friend's lives? Non, madame, I do not.
The princess gave only a thin-lipped smile, partly to disguise her anger, and partly to disguise the sharp pain in her side. Annette took notice of both. The Princess stood and walked to a small dressing table where she proceeded to comb her long hair, until her hand shook so badly she set the comb down and sighed.
In that sigh, Annette knew everything. She walked to the table, took the comb, and pulled the hair back off of the Princess' neck. Tashalan spun, snatching the comb back, "I can do this myself.." she hissed
"Madame" smiled Annette, leaning low "You forget, I am French. What you know of stubborness and pride would not fill a teacup in Paris...give me that comb, and save your strength for the real enemy, d'accord?"
She and Tashalan stared at each other a moment longer, as if realizing each other for the first time. Annette took the comb, and began to run the tangles from Tashalan's hair. She mentioned nothing of the many luxurious strands that fell to the floor at her feet, and she did her finest in arranging it to cover the thinning spots. The princess raised her hands, felt it, and smiled in approval.
"Shinturnam, he is a very lucky man." smiled the princess
Annette laughed "Well, Majesté, at least we can agree on something!" She sat before the princess, holding the small wooden box of face powders, and set to covering the red patches along the woman's small face.
"So, Khatsa, what of your other husbands?" politely asked the princess
Annette laughed again, "Madame, that was une plaisanterie, a joke, I have no husbands."
Tashalan gave her a brief look of pity, then took Annette's hands in hers. "Well, there is happiness yet, when are you and Curioso to be wed then?"
"Chère femme, you heard of this the same time that I did. I think it was more for your benefit, non?"
"Rigs kyi mtshan ldan ma," the princess smiled, "if this were any other time and place...."
"..tsk...we would tear each other to pieces, non? Now...look." Annette held the small mirror for Talashan. For the time being, sickness was held at bay. Annette stood, kissing the hands of the Princess, "Now, Majesté, I have seen this brother for myself. Show no weakness, that is the only advice I can give to you. Rest on the ride, and give this bastard the same piece of heart that fought at Drinphal." She raised the tent flap and peered outside, "Tirseng is cooking, would you like some food?" The princess grimaced and held up her hand. "Very well," replied Annette. "Bon chance."

She returned to the fire, ate quickly, and went to pack the tent. Curioso had risen, and had their packs ready to go when she reached the campsite. She started to speak, but the clamor of the princess' guardian bells gave her pause. She instead, gave him a grim smile, a "nous allons", and shouldered her pack again.