The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34862   Message #472640
Posted By: bigchuck
29-May-01 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: Vt bluesman in Ireland
Subject: Vt bluesman in Ireland
Just thought I'd give a holler to Irish 'catters. Chris Kleeman, on of the finest slide guitarists around and a fine bluesman (who lives down the road a piece from me)will be touring Ireland with Malkum Gibson, whose a fine blues harmonica player. If you get a chance to see them, they do a great show. Their schedule is:
May 31 Bursted Sofa, Clones, Co. Monaghan

June 1-4 Guinness Blues Festival 2001, Castelbar, Co. Mayo

June 5 TBA

June 6 The Lobby, Cork City

June 7 Whelan's, Dublin, with Guy Davis

June 8 Bridge Inn North Ireland

June 9 Bryson's Town & Country Inn Magherfelt

June 10 Wexford

June 11 Ballymore Inn, Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare

June 12 McHugh's Drougheda

If you do see them, tell Chris that Sandy sent you.