The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34816   Message #473156
Posted By: Devilmaster
30-May-01 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ain't Canada Grand! LOL!!
Subject: RE: BS: Ain't Canada Grand! LOL!!
I'm so sorry I didn't jump in earlier! I got so much to say and so little time.

A proud Canadian, your first msg said, that while Clinton's other lists made an attempt to be funny, when it comes to French Canadians and Quebec he proves to be a racist.
If he left the Quebec list out, does that mean you wouldn't have said anything? You seem to only had problems with the Quebec list.
That means you're not worried about racism cause you didn't care about the stereo-typing of the other provinces. You just cared about YOURS.
You saw the humour in his other lists, but not Quebec's. Hmmmm.

Now i've been to Quebec many times, its a beautiful province.(take the 40 at sunset near the lakes for a spectacular view)
But I do take offense with any province that forces businesses to have two signs with the larger being French. In what you consider racism to be, the sign law would be racist to Anglo-Quebecers. Especially the English towns in Quebec near the Ontario border where this usually happens. Anglos, representing the minority in Quebec, are FORCED to put up signs to comply with a provincial law, made by the majority. That is racism by your own definiton, APC. Do you have a problem with your provinces language law? I should hope so, cause its racist, by your own definiton of racism.