The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34546   Message #473200
Posted By: Peter T.
30-May-01 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: Shangri-La Continues (Pt. 2)
Subject: RE: Shangri-La Continues (Pt. 2)
Curioso and Annette walked alongside the Princess' chair, he being helped along from time to time, limping.
"We are a fine group of warriors," he said to Tirseng, who came back to them as the sherpas regrouped on either side.
Tirseng replied through his teeth: "He will not do anything here and now."
"But what is his game? That is what I cannot fathom. Well, we can go through this charade." He gripped Annette's arm: "We must both keep our tempers today."
She smiled grimly. "Apres toi, mon cher."

They moved forward to the open space in front of the gazebo, where phalanxes of guards and monks in multi-coloured array awaited them, chanting low.
There was a moment of hesitation, and then the Princess' chair was lowered to the ground. "Curioso," she whispered. "Help me." He moved towards her, and then she said, "No. No. Just walk close. I will try." And she got up. She bowed under the weight of her golden headdress, and came out into the light. She wore a dusty pink brocade gown, exquisitely figured with emblems of her family and Buddhist teachings. Her face was intensely pale in the high sunlight.
Ahead of her on a black jade throne, Prince Monotek arose in his place, and stood there, awaiting her. "Curse him all to hell," Annette said under her breath. "Curse him all to hell."
The Princess took a breath, steadied herself on the window edge of her chair, and broke out into a radiant smile. At that moment, all her sherpas, and the people in the Valley, spontaneously knelt down. She walked forward, Curioso close behind, slowly, almost toppling for a moment, but she kept moving. Her gold headdress stayed firm atop her proud head, her arched back.
"Come down and meet her, ghoul," Curioso cursed.
No one breathed, no one moved over the expanse between her and the Prince on his dais, except the Princess, the last of her line, followed by Curioso a step behind.
She reached the halfway point, and moved another few feet forward. And then she paused. "I cannot go on, O Shinturnam, I cannot," she whispered in pain. She struggled. "I can stand, Shinturnam, but I can no longer walk."
At that moment, when he had enjoyed the scene enough, the Prince smiled darkly, and came down the steps. He raised her almost shaking hand, and kissed it. "Ah Princess, so pleased you came in your hour of need to our Valley." He turned to his left, and snapped his fingers: "A chair for the Princess!! Why is there not a chair for the Princess?" And a chair was instantly brought. The Princess sat.
Prince Monotek stood looking on approvingly. He turned his eyes towards his brother. "Welcome brother. I hope your trip here was uneventful."
Curioso replied quietly, his whole body clenched in rage: "Completely."
"We will speak to you later. You and your new -- partner -- You are dismissed for the moment, to, oh, to refresh yourselves after your ordeals" And he laughed, and waved him away.
"I take orders from the Princess, not from you. Princess?"
She looked at him plaintively for a moment, and then said quietly: "Yes, please, I can manage."
Curioso turned to go, but then he turned back again and said:
"Princess, you are still She who Laughs at Mountains."
And with tears in his eyes, he moved slowly back to where Annette and Tirseng and the others waited.