The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34816   Message #473239
Posted By: Philibuster
30-May-01 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ain't Canada Grand! LOL!!
Subject: RE: BS: Ain't Canada Grand! LOL!!
Because it is apparently so damned wrong to have fun mocking our stereotypes, I propose the following.

1. That cats and dogs no longer be shown trying to kill eachother in cartoons, as not all cats and dogs hate eachother. I own a pair that love eachother.

2. That, similarly, cats should no longer be shown in cartoons trying to kill birds. My aunt owned a budgie that would ride around on her cat and call "Kitty!" when she wanted to play with it. The same goes for rats, mice, and other smallish, overly stereotyped creatures.

3. Likewise goes to roadrunners and coyotes.

4. No more jokes will be accepted about stupid players of any instrument. Imm ghetin a bunjoo andd itt hass hadh noo effectt on mee.

5. And finally, I will boycott Spaw's Texan joke for as long as I can keep from laughing at it (being Texan myself).

Anal retentive and PC guests are not who this forum was made for. So if all you tight sphinctered bastards would just shut up and let some of us use this little thing called a sense of humor, I think we could make this a much better place. Face it folks, if you can't make fun of it, there's no reason for it to exist.

Philbuster, who has to pour his teenage angst into SOMETHING.

All of the above was thoroughly checked with a sarcasm detector and has been found to be 100% pure.