The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34897   Message #473336
Posted By: JeZeBeL
30-May-01 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: Tracking Sam Pirt
Subject: RE: Tracking Sam Pirt
Hey Gill,

Sam n Ian's local roadie here!! It's Emma. Yep, I'm JeZeBeL. The one with the bad reputation, only cos I know Bill though. Are u sure u want to let him go to America with Bill, it is a bit risky.

Ian's just been to the jug and he's most amused that he's the only one of them 3 to have been able to drag himself down to the jug the night before America. The thread u want is Sables Pirt and Stephenson tour. That has all their tour dates on.

Hope to see you at the Jug soon. Pick up that penny whistle again. It's easy!!

Emma xxx