The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34910   Message #474261
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
01-Jun-01 - 03:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: OBITUARY
CarolC, Dave simply said that that was when HE realized, etc., etc., not that the event happened world-wide at that moment. I think all of us have reached that epiphany at one time or another--yours was, perhaps, earlier than Dave's; and just possibly later than someone else's...I have a few years on you, for one.

What we're all forgetting, IMO, in our zeal to defend/attack/converse with/convince each other, is that the phrase "common sense" is and always has been an oxymoron--there's nothing "common" (or ordinary, thanks Amos) about "common sense". (Synonyms per my Thesaurus are: rational, reasonable, sound, coherent, consistent. Antonyms: illogical, irrational, unreasonable, specious, unsound, unfounded.)

Apply some of those adjectives of your own choice to any front-page newspaper article or any evening news TV show. Think about it.

Now I'm going to exercise some of that uncommon commodity and go elsewhere and learn a new song.

