The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34909   Message #474336
Posted By: GUEST,Dancing Mom
01-Jun-01 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Parenting Questions
Subject: RE: BS: Parenting Questions
Wow, Morticia, you all are going through some tremendous life changes. This child WILL go through a grief process. So many good things posted here. I came in late, so I can only recap some of the things I've observed as a mom of four. I've seen two generations of teens (mine and my kids') opening refridgerator doors and peering in to check out the contents, many times just after eating. I don't think it always has to do with hunger, but it's a habit, sometimes done out of boredom. Regarding food, they NEVER get tired of pizza. If YOU are tired of it, however, they respond well to tacos (popular in the U.S.), submarine sandwiches, pancakes, or other breakfast foods served at the evening meal. I have found they will eat fresh fruits they can eat "on the go". My lovely 17-year -old daughter eats like a lumberjack. I'm afraid it will catch up with her , however, when she gets older. Great ideas mentioned earlier: let him use his own money for pizza purchases, and/or involve him and his buddies in the making of the homemade pizza. Teach them how to make it, plan the purchase of the ingredients, etc. Our house tends to be the neighborhood "hangout" for kids of all ages.Last weekend we chaperoned a party for the 17-year-old, her boyfriend and twenty of their friends. Some of the friends have formed a band and have played a few gigs at birthday parties and such. They only ask to be fed, and we paid them with as much PIZZA and soda as they could eat. As far as the hygiene issue goes, his peers will let him know if it is not up to par, and he'll listen to them if not you. Certainly you have to decide what works best for your family, but the most effective things I've learned are: choose your battles carefully, use lots of humor, and let him know that you love him unconditionally. Good luck and Godspeed. Sharon