The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34910   Message #474636
Posted By: Dave (the ancient mariner)
01-Jun-01 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: OBITUARY
A young boy was suspended from school for pointing a school lunch breaded chicken stick at a classmate and saying "Bang" Instead of the teacher taking him to one side, and explaining that due to recent incidents of high school violence such gestures are frightening, the kid was suspended (mind you Cafeteria food could be considered a dangerous weapon *BSG*) The most popular excuse you hear from people today is "I just dont have enough time" I watched a lady in front of me try to drink a coffee, talk on the cellphone, and do her makeup at a stop light yesterday; and said to myself, there is really no hope for us as a species! As stated at the begining of the thread "Common Sense is also the sense that tells us the world is flat" *BSG* Yours, Aye. Dave