The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34897   Message #475114
Posted By: Jeri
02-Jun-01 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: Tracking Sam Pirt
Subject: RE: Tracking Sam Pirt
No, they didn't "take over" the session, but folks definitely wanted to hear them. Bill quietly urged me to "ask Sam to play the Spanish tune." I did, but I could tell Sam felt uncomfortable playing something that no one could join him on. He did it, and it was WELL worth it. Jaws dropped, eyes popped out, and no matter how many times I counted Sam's fingers, there were only 10. (Divided up equally between two hands.)

These guys are very sensitive to fitting in with the other musicians. They CAN blow most of us out of the water, and maybe don't want to. I think at the halfway point they might have realised we wanted to be blown out of the water and did so. They're very excited about the music, and it's contagious.

Wish I'd had a chance to hear Ian's fancier guitar playing, but hopefully I will tonight.

About Dan Milner - the chorus was absolutely deafening when he sang The Leaving of Liverpool, and I've never heard the place as quiet (and it was packed) as it was when he did West Rutland Marble Bawn. Last night was just too short!

I will also say that Sam's accordian managed to drown out the rock band doing a sound check upstairs. I really enjoyed that as well. *smirk*

Lorna, you should come next time even if they manage to not accidentally wind up in Florida.

Jeri, (In cold, rainy New Hampshire)