The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34910   Message #475342
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Jun-01 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: OBITUARY
flattop - Please enlighten me...what is the "Prisoners' Dilemma"? It's a reference I am unfamiliar with. Seriously.

Also, why must it always be "bullshit"? There are innumerable creatures other than male bovines which are capable of producing excrement (note the "horseshit" in the post immediately above/a slight variation on the theme).

I do think that a society that constantly uses the term "bullshit" or "horseshit", where another society might have used terms like: foolishness, nonsense, inaccurate information, lies, utter balderdash, claptrap a society in the throes of some form of cultural devolution.

Needless to say...

The same goes for a society that uses terms like "kick ass" or "kick butt" whereas another might have used phrases more like "win", "triumph over" or "defeat".

Pathetic is what it is...not that my complaining about it is going to change anything. I am just observing the decline of human dignity and commenting upon it. Thanks, Hollywood.

- LH