The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34897   Message #475691
Posted By: Jeri
03-Jun-01 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: Tracking Sam Pirt
Subject: RE: Tracking Sam Pirt
What's wrong with jumping on chairs and waving lighters?
OK, what I meant by "reserved" at 2 AM was that they were from Maine, but I didn't want to say that after absconding with the cheesecake! I was mainly brain-dead when I posted, and made it sound like folks were sitting there doing crossword puzzles or something, which isn't what I meant. When I looked at the other audience members, I saw toes tapping, faces smiling, seats being danced in and laps being played. There were few whoops and hollers, but I guess that was my job. And yes, I felt very welcome there - the warmth was evident, even if it was quiet warmth.

I did, in fact, never find Bath. I'm fairly sure it exists because it's on the maps, but I was lost for about 1.5 hours and gave up to start the search for the church.

The sensitivity these guys have to the music is incredible. At the Press Room, Liam's Brother asked Sam to accompany him on Leaving of Liverpool. Very tasty - he knew just how to showcase the song. The same was was true of all of them last night. They know just how to do some amazingly original things with the music without overpowering it or stepping on a song. They have the exuberance of youth (even the kid with the beard) and the skill and understanding of masters. It was fun to watch the communication between them on the stage. "OK, this is where we get all quiet and delicate," then "Now let's hit it hard and soar through the roof!" Mostly this was done with eyebrows and head tilts.

It was good to hear Ian play guitar. Other than a bit of rhythm guitar, he didn't have a chance to play at the Press Room - just too noisy. Not being a guitar player myself, it still sounded beautiful, and I don't have a clue how he can fingerpick while holding the flat pick in the same hand.

Naemanson, I thought about the migraine coming back in the morning and me having to drive home with it. I thought it was best to do the drive while the headache wasn't very bad. Now I have to find something to do with the cheesecake - what a dilemma!