The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35027   Message #475700
Posted By: Ralphie
03-Jun-01 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: New Nic Jones (Double) CD
Subject: New Nic Jones (Double) CD
Hi People. Just to let all participants know.....We are on the verge of finishing the new Nic Jones CD (A sequel to "In search of...") It will be called "Unearthed" ....It's a double.....!! The sleeve is either appalling, or brilliant...! (Nic, Julia and I think it's brilliant!!)....and it willl be available later in the summer.....exclusively from Mollie Music......More details to follow... Any specific requests....get in touch soon.... We're intending a mid-price deal...don't know what that is in US terms, but probably under £20 UK, for roughly 100 minutes of music......25-30 tracks...all of which are otherwise unavailable....E me, or reply to this thread Muchlove....Ralphie (I'll be glad when it's out...LOL!)