The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34997   Message #476399
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
04-Jun-01 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: Further thoughts on Pearl Harbour
Subject: RE: Further thoughts on Pearl Harbour
Picture this...

you are sitting on your front porch on a pleasant summer night. An elderly lady passes by on the sidewalk, smiles and waves. A man walking the opposite way suddenly grabs her purse and knocks her to the ground. She refuses to let go of her handbag, and he begins pulling her down the street.


A) Offer a reasonable argument to him why this sort of behavior is inhuman

B) Pause for a moment to consider whether he is simply so destitute that he needs the purse worse than she does

C) Punch him in the jaw and help the lady up

D) Run into your house, call the police, and hope they'll get there before "the situation deteriorates"

Now, War comes in all forms, but the ribbons, uniforms, parades, and jargon are icing on the cake that starts as the basic human desire to intercede on behalf of what is right. Many young men, including my Dad and his two brothers, joined the Armed Forces in the wake of the raw agression and slaughter at Pearl Harbor. Perhaps they were victims of the intentional propaganda and mind control imposed by the American Government. But I think that basically they were just mad as hell, and had reason to be.

Little Hawk, if its you and me, sure we can end violence and war. But there will always be a bully on the street who refuses to play by those rules, and we will always be faced with those decisions.