The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34997   Message #476412
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Jun-01 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: Further thoughts on Pearl Harbour
Subject: RE: Further thoughts on Pearl Harbour
I can't fault your reasoning there, LEJ. Some fights are unavoidable, and so are some wars...from the point of view of those who have been attacked. Once you're in a war you do your level best to win it.

further example: You could also grab a baseball bat, yell "Hey, leave that lady alone!" and start running toward which case the guy may very well run away. If not, be prepared to use the bat.

I hope that our civilization gradually evolves toward a less warlike mentality, that's all. I don't expect an overnight miracle on this. One step at a time. I do know that I am most unwilling to be talked into joining any war at this point.

- LH