The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34997   Message #476420
Posted By: kendall
04-Jun-01 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: Further thoughts on Pearl Harbour
Subject: RE: Further thoughts on Pearl Harbour
And those bullies will be backed by the international bankers, the real villians! Did you ever wonder where Hitler got the money to build Germany up from nothing? Think about it. Read the speeches of Andrew Jackson, Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson on the subject of international bankers. According to them, central banks, including the federal reserve are evil. We are all puppets and they are pulling the strings.Even Warren G Harding saw what was up with them. How do you get people to go to war? create a depression, tighten the money supply. When ww2 broke out, the USA ranked 19th in firepower. Now, if FDR wanted to go to war, what did he plan to fight it with? If Japan had killed the carriers, we would have been in a world of hurt. As it was stated, our gross national product put us on a war footing at lightening speed. I will never believe that FDR would commit such a crime. I wouldn't believe that of a republican! On the other hand, General Billy Mitchell warned the government that the US was vulnerable to air attack. He called the lack of preparation in the defense dept."criminal" What did he get for his trouble? Court Marshall. Stupidity and bad planning are more apt to be the culprits than conspiracy. Sorry about the rant, but, revisionist historians are a pain in the ass. I just ended a friendship with a republican friend who believes all that conspiracy twaddle just because she doesn't like FDR. I cant abide people who choose to be blind.