The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34997   Message #476473
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
04-Jun-01 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: Further thoughts on Pearl Harbour
Subject: RE: Further thoughts on Pearl Harbour
Sorry to send that twice - the system locked. Spot on post, Kendall. But LEJ, I couldn't see the point of your analogy. I mean do you really believe that's what wars are all about? Aand if so, which old lady was the US rushing to defend in WW2, or in Vietnam for that matter?

Just going back to Kendall's question about who funds war, I've mentioned before a first-class book called "Trading with the enemy" which lists the extent of American funding for Hitler's war effort. Can't remember the author - Charles Tremayne or similar name? - and the book is hard to find. (I believe it was withdrawn, banned, or otherwise interfered with.) If anyone has a copy, I'd cross his (or her) palm with silver....