The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34489   Message #476509
Posted By: JedMarum
04-Jun-01 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: Music in Sperryville VA on June 2 and 3
Subject: RE: Music in Sperryville VA on June 2 and 3
My wife and I just got in. We had a free day today and spent it on the skyline drive, in Shenendoah National Park. That was the end of a great trip

The small town event drew several hundred visitors, and we were quite busy. I played a couple of sets inside the church/bookstore, and a a few outdoors. Joining me were the Banjo Doctor and his friend in authentic dress and instruments, with old time songs and acrefully researched arangements. He is a brilliant player - and treated us to his fretless 5 string hoop, and 5 string gourd banjos. We did a set together also, on each of Sat and Sun. Great fun. I was floored when I discovered this fine player, with obvious string professional music skill - was a medical doctor in his dayjob!! So was his friend! They were great fun, and top notch performers.

The local re-entactors and a few from across the state had a camp set up and did a few interesting demonstrations. They were a hit! And there were a few author/historians in presenting lectures/discussions on their new books. I'm afraid this year I didn't get to hear enough of them, though I'm sure they were darn good.

We had great weather. The mornings looked threatening, but we had two glorious afternoons. My wife and I quite enjoyed the weekend ... ran into an high school friend who I haven't seen for 30 years, and we hit it off with him and his wife. Got an invite to play a couple of gigs at nearby pubs/festivals next year - so all-in-all it was a great time. I'm already looking forward the 2002 Sperryville Civil War event.