The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26892   Message #477267
Posted By: Bill D
05-Jun-01 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway 2001-Which dates?
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway 2001-Which dates?
you know, what with folk-type music not exactly #1 on the charts, and the *ahem*...'aging' of the average folkie, the Getaway had been showing signs of wear and a sort of lack of depth in recent years...(I have been going since '78). It is always good, but there were real problems with 'critical mass'.

This infusion of new people partially as a result of Mudcat has been a real shot-in-the-arm, and allows 'new' blood and new friends. We have always had many friends from up & down the east coast, but it is nice to broaden one's horizons.

I hope that this merging of 'locals' and visitors from afar continues to be happy and productive. We are always tryig to figure out how to make the Getaway better.