The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35252   Message #477856
Posted By: Quincy
06-Jun-01 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Lazybones (Mercer & Carmichael)
Subject: Lyr Add: LAZY BONES (Johnny Mercer/Hoagy Carmichae
Here you go......

Lazy Bones
(Johnny Mercer/Hoagy Carmichael)

Lazy bones
Sleeping, sleeping in a noon day sun
Tell me, how you spect to get your days work done
Days work done
You'll never get your days work done

Sleeping, lazy bones
Sleeping in a noon day sun
When day's dusk means praying,
I bet you keep praying
That all the bugs fall off the vine

And when you go fishing
I bet you keep wishing
That the fish would never never grab your line
You old lazy bones
Loafin, loafin all through the day
Tell me how you spect to make a dime that way
Dime that way
You'll never make a dime that way

Well look at him, lazy bones
Never hear a word I say
Lazy bones

best wishes, Yvonne