The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35203   Message #479167
Posted By: Amos
08-Jun-01 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ha! June 8th is catspaw's birthday!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Ha! June 8th is catspaw's birthday!!!
Spaw? Spaw.... you ever get the feeling we're.... like, I mean man.... like maybe we're.... kinda...ummm.... like what I'm tryin' to say here,man is.... you ever get... I mean just a kinda feeling, or maybe a thought... like, we're.... aging, man? Oh.... sorry, man... I didn't know it would bother you!! Calm down!!! Jeez, all I did was ask!! Spaw!!! Put that down!!! (Insert sound effects here).

Wonderfullest of days to you, you WOrld Class Curmudgeon. It is a joy to have you in the world.