Generally if there's food where you play it's a good idea to get a meal with your fee. Food, when served to loads of people costs the employer little and keeps you from dining out. Often the wait staff at an establishment will be more sympathetic than the boss, so treat 'em nice, they might be your best ally. Same goes for an overnight bed. If you promise to be a low impact guest, you might get a free bed.One time I fell asleep in my car in front of a police station and when they came to move me on I told them I was afraid I'd fall asleep at the wheel and thought the cop shop would be the safest place to park. They agreed.
One of my first busking attempts was at Union Station in Toronto. I made my train fare to wherever I was going, and some girl came and shared a sandwich with me. Will play for food, if that's what I need the most.
Of course, there was a time when families would hire musicians to live with them for a time, to teach their kids music and help with the chores in exchange for room and board and perhaps a small per diem. Survival before comfort.