The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35203   Message #479303
Posted By: gnu
08-Jun-01 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ha! June 8th is catspaw's birthday!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Ha! June 8th is catspaw's birthday!!!
I know I promised earlier that I was going to post something disparaging, perhaps crass, even disgusting, when I got the chance... you know, befitting your earned, learned lofty status amongst the 'Cats. Alas, after five hours of crawling through crawl spaces and attics with a bad back, getting a good buzz off a distribution panel (my absolute favourite part of my job), meeting the building owner's dog in a rather surprising manner, getting about fifty mosquito bites, etcetera, etc, I'm just too damn tired and sore. And I'm only 44 years old. It's not that I don't want to. Honest, I think so highly of you that I would like to crap on you in the style and calibre you deserve, but, brain dead as I am at the moment, I guess I'll just have to leave it at...

BON FETE PATTEDECHAT49 or '52 or whatever !!! Drink lots of cold water and walk slow.


PS Didn't know about the mouth thing. Does this mean that you're on liquids ? I think there's some Turkey Turd Beer in the basement of the Tavern. Some fool ordered two tankers !