The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35184   Message #479769
Posted By: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)
09-Jun-01 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spaw says 'BITE ME!'
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw says 'BITE ME!'

Will you still be able to eat your vegemite? God, I hope not. Remember, I'm down wind of you in Pittsburgh. Just kidding, get well soon.

Speaking of downwind of you, it looks like I'll be in your neck of the woods a couple times this summer, God willing. When I know for sure, I'll drop you a line. I'm hoping to go to the Dublin Ohio Irish Festival, and an Gaeltacht Weekend in Columbus.

At any rate (even 4.5%), I hope you're feeling your old self, soon.
