The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7873   Message #48028
Posted By: BSeed
04-Dec-98 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: Mary don't you weep--meaning
Subject: RE: Mary don't you weep--meaning
I'd be happy to drop it. But Gargoyle somehow finds it necessary to jump on about everything I write since Barbara and I had an exchange about Stranger in a Strange Land a couple of months ago. His responses to my writing rarely present reasoned arguments counter to what I have said but attack me personally as stupid, irrelevant, etc. I ignored it for the first month, welcomed him back when he seemed to be missing for a couple of weeks, but he was soon at it again, always beginning his postings with what--in another context--might have seemed innocent, the first two letters of my nickname, but now lower case, followed by periods, now not a salutation but clearly an expression of contempt, given the nature and tone of the message which followed.

At first I continued to ignore it, but it began to sour my experience here and I began responding to his taunts (he usually had no other message) sarcastically, then angrily. After such a posting, I'd feel a momentary relief from the ache in my gut, but I was not proud of my part in it. I apologize to everyone else who has been subjected to this. I'll go back to ignoring him as well as I can. --seed