The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34319   Message #480366
Posted By: GUEST,Hamas
10-Jun-01 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday, Israel
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday, Israel
On behalf of the Palestinian people, I take great pride in recognizing the friendship we treasure at Mudcat Cafe.

Thank you, Dave the Gnome, for recognizing that our martyrs are freedom fighters, not terrorists.

When we send our martyrs to kill Jewish children in Tel Aviv, they go with the knowledge that Jewish children grow up to be Israeli soldiers of oppression. Thus, our martyrs are killing Jews so that our children may live in a free Palestine.

Thank you, RichM, for recognizing that no Israeli is without blame. That certainly includes the children that our martyrs blow up.

Thank you, McGrath of Harlow, for demanding that the Israelis stop responding and allow us to kill with impunity. Thank you for keeping silent when the Israelis follow your advice for three weeks and for responding within hours when we finally goad them into shooting back.