The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7873   Message #48062
Posted By: gargoyle
04-Dec-98 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: Mary don't you weep--meaning
Subject: RE: Mary don't you weep--meaning
My Dear Mr. Seed,

Please accept my most humble apologizes.

Anyone that places themselves upon a "pedestal" as an "educator" and then proceeds to post....Non-Truths, (and attempts to excuse them as a 'falty-memory...when the facts are readily at hand, for an "educated person" to check) is a very tempting target for "deflation."

"Pride Comes Before the Fall"

Mr. B.S......We appear to share a kindred spirit.

[PLEASE --- "Mr. Joe Offer" (aka - Mr. Omnipotent of this universe) whip this awful diatribe out of existance at the end of the weekend}