The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35253   Message #480675
Posted By: JulieF
11-Jun-01 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: What do you read ?
Subject: RE: BS: What do you read ?
Yes , anything and quite often anything twice, just to see if it is just a bad as the first time.

Seriously though

History Science

Primo Levi

Terry Pratchett

James Joyce

Ian Rankin ( Crime Set in Edinburgh)

And many others

In the handbag at the moment :- English Passengers by Matthew Kneale

On the desk at work An Absolute Idiot's Guide to Windows NT and today's Independent

By the bed - Tacticus ( I think that's right - some roman historian anyway)

Jammed down the side of the sofa Eleanor of Acquitaine

Perched on top of the toilet .....

You get the general idea

All the best

