The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1392   Message #4812
Posted By: Allan
02-May-97 - 09:54 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: California Dreamin' (Mamas & Papas)
Subject: RE: lyrics-California Dreamin' (Mamas & Papas)
When I took a course in Folk Lore (back in '59) at UofPenna., we defined a "folk song" as one which had been passed along through the oral tradition. Thus, by definition NO ONE could write a folk song. (Good thing Peete Seeger And others never let that stop them!) In fact there is a story about "Darcy Farrow" which says that a student too lazy to go out and collect a folk song for his doctorate wrote the song and fooled his professor. SOOOOooooo obviously, the DEFINITION changes, dosen't it? And Les Blanks definition is just as good whoever's. AND there are no guns pointing at anyone's head forcing them to read a thread about a non folk song.