The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35339   Message #481358
Posted By: GUEST,Disgusted
12-Jun-01 - 01:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Vultures and the Kill .... (:
Subject: The Vultures and the Kill .... (:
If I was not a musician I might not feel a thing but hey ..

I listen to the radio to digusting ugly people celebrating the murder of yet another person, in a Jail with the US Government as master of ceremonies. Complete with gawking fat slobs and lacking nothing but the amphitheatre to be a Roman Orgy of death!

The hatred in the voice of several, mostly female witnesses reminded me of the voices of the Nazi Party in pre WW2. The more they worked on explaining their feelings the sicker I got, not at the crime the victim had supposedly comitted but the tone of their siren voices, the spite and bile, truly sickening.

Then to think these same ladies may well be in an abortion clinic next week murdering their own child makes me want to vomit right away.

They qualified of every remark with 'this 'killer', 'murderer', 'monster' etc' as if they doubted his guilt, maybe they like I suspect this man to be nothing but a determined conspiritor but not the trigger man.

I was just going over details of similar cases elsewhere in the world and guess what, terrorists are real smart about letting some innocent fool take the rap.

I wager we have not heard the last of this one.