The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35283   Message #483006
Posted By: DougR
13-Jun-01 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: Fundamentalists of ANY stripe. yuchh!
Subject: RE: Fundamentalists of ANY stripe. yuchh!
I just read again, Marty's original posting, and I guess we have strayed a bit.

Marty, you were concerned, I believe, about the extreme fundamentalists position's as they related to the "Troubles" in Ireland and between the Jews and the Palestinians. You wondered why there weren't more people who could take a moderate positon on those subjects. Again, I ask, what would that position be? I'm not trying to incite anything, and I'm not inviting flamers, but I'd really like to know what the moderate postion on those two issues would be.

Kendall? Alex? L. H.? Peg? Spaw? Anyone?
