The following ramble is just me thinking "out loud." Brainstorming with you, so to speak.Is there a reason why you would not post this in the Mudcat LINKS section? Perhaps under the styles of music that already are categorized there?
If you post it in there as a new category, please give some thought first to how many may land there and what subdivisions would make sense to keep the pages manageable. I think the area where the venues are located would be how I would want to find them... but then you'd have a zillion new pages in there.
How about if threads were posted asking people to give information on folk venues by state or by province, etc., whatever makes sense in each country. The information would be there in the threads, but you could post a LINKS page called FOLK VENUES and then the links you'd post would be to those threads. That would keep the number of links manageable, but make the threads simple to find. You could just invite people to copy you on thread names as new ones crop up.
Mojam already has a venue list. Perhaps our effort ought to go to adding more into their list, and then we could link to them from here? If the links were at Mojam it would help people already using those resources to get bookings.
But while you are thinking it over, I could sure use some help beefing up the Folk Festival links. Would you be interested in helping me look up and edit them and list them? If so please PM and I will get a template to you of how I am entering them.
I do think the Festivals are a higher priority-- don't people already know what's going on in their own areas, and don't we need to be sure Catters know what weeks to set aside for great festivals they have never attended, where we can all meet up?