The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35400   Message #483192
Posted By: InOBU
14-Jun-01 - 07:57 AM
Thread Name: Any Okla.City Bombing Ballads?
Subject: RE: Any Okla.City Bombing Ballads?
A Native American singer, who's name I will not mention, a few years ago, had a little song, he'd do while warming up for his performances. He'd sing, while doing an even beat... I... Come ... from Oklahoma, then smash the stick down on the drum. I suppose, though he felt terrible for the innocent victems of the bombing, and felt it was a terrible act, his sympathy for the federal government was mittaged by the trail of tears and other events in the centuries of genocide. There may be a lesson about IRA songs in this, (Indian Reorganization Act songs? ANyone have any?) Well, I hope folks understand the sence of this. I consider the Militia movement to be one of the most dangerous and stupid movenements in this country. However, it is the result of our vilent and uncareing traditions, which we need to address.
All the best