The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35400   Message #483584
Posted By: Shields Folk
14-Jun-01 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: Any Okla.City Bombing Ballads?
Subject: RE: Any Okla.City Bombing Ballads?
I remember early on in the Balkan conflict (the recent one) a TV program on Bosnian Serbs. The program, on the BBC I think, featured Radovan Karadich ( the spellings shite I know but to those in the UK it's the bloke that looks like Dave Allen) where he sang traditional Serb songs on the Serbs long history of conflict. I remember feeling some sympathy for the Serbian cause before eventually seeing him , as everyone else did, as an evil murdering tyrant. The point? Well, songs sometimes seem very insignificant when one looks at the suffering of ordinary folk.