The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35408   Message #483875
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Jun-01 - 01:34 AM
Thread Name: New 'Folk Venues ' Category ?
Subject: RE: New 'Folk Venues ' Category ?
JiH, The restriction is at the Mudcat end, on the number of characters that can be entered, for thread names. Not the subject lines in posts... the titling of the threads. I think it was Joe Offer who told me the limit was calculated based on the way WebTV displays material. When you create a new thread, the text bnox for the title it will only take a certain number of characters and then it will stop accepting typed text till you delete some. The prefixes, would, I believe, all have to be pretty short, no longer than the ones Max has set up, or the thread list display would be messed up. So FV, or maybe VENUES, would work, but FOLK VENUES would probably not. I mean, to try out the idea you could of course use FOLK VENUES, because you can type in whatever you like, but then you will not have room for much more to make sense out of the thread-- "FOLK VENUES, East Birmingham Area" would take it all up I think. No room to say if this would be Birmingham in the UK, and which county or country, or if in the USA and which state, and so forth. So to keep as much title space as possible you want as short a prefix as will be recognized. And if you hope for a new prefix from Max, make the practice one the one it will be later so people don't get mixed up.
