The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35408   Message #483879
Posted By: Joe Offer
15-Jun-01 - 02:01 AM
Thread Name: New 'Folk Venues ' Category ?
Subject: RE: New 'Folk Venues ' Category ?
I've been trying to clean out the Links page because there are over 500 links there and the page takes forever to load. I've moved a number of the links into PermaThreads on various topis. So no, I don't think we need yet another huge quantity of links added to the Links page.

If you want a new category, start using it and see if it catches on. Once we're satisfied that it works well, we can ask Max to add it to the list of thread categories (if there's a need for it). If you like, I can add a piece on proposed/experimental/whatever thread categories to the FAQ. I don't think we should add it to the dropdown list of categories right away - we have too many already, and some are confusing or never get used.
I'm not all that sure a category is needed - why not let the person who wants information title the thread they way they want it?

A PermaThread with folk venue information might be a good idea - let's talk about it.

-Joe Offer-