The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35408   Message #483901
Posted By: Joe Offer
15-Jun-01 - 03:56 AM
Thread Name: New 'Folk Venues ' Category ?
Subject: RE: New 'Folk Venues ' Category ? interrupted by a phone call.
Anyhow, if somebody wants to take the lead on running a PermaThread, they're welcome to do so. There are links to the PermaThreads in the FAQ and in the PermaThread index, so you can get an idea what we do with them. Somebody starts a thread with a message that this is a PermaThread and is subject to editing. Ideally, the first 6 to 10 messages posted are blank, posted quickly by the person moderating the PermaThread. Information is then posted by Mudcatters in subsequent messages, which are then incorporated into the beginning messages and deleted. I or one of the JoeClones will do the editing work according to the wishes of the person moderating the thread.

-Joe Offer-
John in Hull - Max designed the data entry boxes so that they would be narrow enough so they'd fit into WEBTV without doubling over. Because Max was smart enough to accommodate it, WEBTV works pretty well with Mudcat - but those accommodations have sometimes caused some limits on the size of things - and it makes things smaller than we computer users need to have it. I blessed Max time and time again over the past three weeks, when my only Mudcat access was on my dad's WEBTV. It worked pretty well.