The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35476   Message #484260
Posted By: GUEST,Paul
15-Jun-01 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Soldier (Harvey Andrews)
Subject: Name that tune?
A friend of mine has posted this message at another forum with no results, I was wondering if anyone would know this tune here?

>> Ok so this is a long shot but..... There has been a song running around in my head since I last heard it when i was about 10 years old sitting in my Grandads car.

I think it was a Folk song (which of course is gonna make it easier to track down!)

About a British solider that was posted in Ireland it basically told the story of how he was other there and why was he over there when all the locals hated him and dispised his presence in their country.

He is think this whilst on guard at a train station, and whilst he thinking this a window breaks and a package bomb comes flying in. He looks around at the women and children who are all looking to him and the line goes something like "of please god save our children or they'll end their short lives here"

So the soldier walks to the bomb and lies down over it. It explodes but he saves the local people who gather round him rejoicing. The line goes "one less british soldier where he did not belong" -

Does this ring a bell with anybody esp the more mature members of the forum?

I'm really desperate to track this song down, but have failed miserably for the last three years. (yes I really have been looking that long)

I want to hear it again and also put it on a Tape/Cd for my grandad..

anybody help of know a good site to look up these sort of things...

All help greatly apreciated.. <<

