The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35431   Message #485049
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Jun-01 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dubya vs. Whom in 04?
Subject: RE: BS: Dubya vs. Whom in 04?
Ah, well, yes...Nader for sure. He had the wisdom and guts to state the truth, which is that until you break the stranglehold that the Redemocrapublicants have on the election process in the USA your vote is virtually meaningless. Break down and admit it, people. Don't fiddle about the minor points. You've all been had by a system that serves people who are so rich that you probably can't even imagine it.

Reform election financing (limit it, in other words), and you might begin to see a vague possibility of actually having a democracy...which is not what you have now...merely the pretense of one.

Same deal in Canada. Just more "parties" here. And to hell with them all, as far as I'm concerned. They have proven again and again to be liars and frauds. I make no exceptions.

Doug - Yep, I was jesting! :-) You betcha!

Bill - Definitely! Hit the lecture circuit. That's what I'd do if I were you. You're a very personable guy, so make the best of it.

- LH