The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35408 Message #485100
Posted By: Joe Offer
16-Jun-01 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: New 'Folk Venues ' Category ?
Subject: RE: New 'Folk Venues ' Category ?
Murray, Everything is searchable with SuperSearch (identified on the Forum Menu as Digitrad and ForumSearch). I can also very easily put an index at the top of any PermaThread, just like I have on the FAQ. But let's give your category thing a try. Here's what I'd suggest: point out a number of threads that have to do fit folk venues, and I'll rename the thread and add the Folk Venue designation. We can also have a PermaThread to index the threads, and to give summary information. If it works and proves popular over a number of months, THEN we'll ask Max to add a category to the dropdown list. The idea is to handle things as much as possible with the resources we have available to us, without bugging Max to come up with new permanent resources. It's no big deal to change a thread title - Pene and I and Jeri and Jon Freeman can do it in a moment. One thing - I hate the idea of having thread category designators that are not understandable to visitors. "Folk Venue" or "Venue" is OK, but "FV" makes me gag. -Joe Offer, acronymophobe-