The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35494   Message #485150
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Jun-01 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: The RAF leaves Germany
Subject: RE: BS: The RAF leaves Germany
"Deserve" has got nothing to do with it. A wise victor treats the ordinary citizens of a vanquished nation with mercy, and with the same consideration he would wish to receive if he was on the losing end. Otherwise, where is the moral high ground he claims to stand on himself whilst out "saving the world"?

Clemenceau was eager to give the Germans what he thought they "deserved" in 1918, and in 1940 France received the German response to that in full measure as a reward for their shortsighted and punitive policy. They were utterly defeated and occupied for several years...s pretty miserable experience, and they could indirectly thank Clemenceau for providing the perfect conditions in which to eventually incubate the Nazis.

Two wrongs never make a right. Did you order people to be gassed, Suzanne? Did you burn them in ovens? Are you any less human than me or the next person? I trust not. Ordinary Germans (I am not referring to the Nazi leadership but to the general population) deserved the same humane treatment as do all other peoples, regardless of historical events.

I say this as a Canadian who has no German family connections, past or present. My father is a Czech who fought hard against the Germans in WWII, and my mother is English-Scottish Canadian. We either recognize that we are all one or we get caught in the cycle of vengeance forever.

So peace be upon you, and I don't think "it wouldn't have been any worse than (you) deeserved" to implement the Morgenthau Plan. I consider people like Morgenthau and Clemenceau to be pretty much like the Nazis themselves in their basic intent...just under another label, that's all.

- LH