The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35520   Message #485249
Posted By: Rick Fielding
16-Jun-01 - 11:34 PM
Thread Name: Revoke Nobel Prize to Henry Kissinger
Subject: RE: Revoke Nobel Prize to Henry Kissinger
Wait a minute guys...wasn't Nobel the guy who invented Dynamite or something?

How 'bout you just revoke his Miss Congeniality award?

And while we're at it, I would like THESE awards revoked:

Brando's Oscar for "Last Tango in Paris". Sheesh! He was awful in that.

Seriously, are folks JUST discovering that Henry K was a devious strategically Machiavellian creep?

I'm trying NOT to be totally cynical, but aren't these awards STRICTLY Politically motivated? Like awarding the Olympic games or something... surely there are more important current issues....I mean They aren't ACTUALLY gonna revoke it. I suppose if it's JUST to stir some shit then I can understand the motivation, but what are they gonna do, send a FEDEX truck to his house to get it?
