The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35520   Message #485352
Posted By: Fedele
17-Jun-01 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: Revoke Nobel Prize to Henry Kissinger
Subject: RE: Revoke Nobel Prize to Henry Kissinger
Of course, I don't think any Special Squad will go to Kissinger's home and force him to give back that prize. But these are some thoughts:
Yes, there are more important issues, but this doesn't exclude others.
Yes, it won't work, but I use to do what I think is right, not what I think it works.
Yes, it won't work, but everybody must know that we know, we remind and we care.
Yes, Nobel Prize is always political, but it should be given to people who did at least a bit effort to make a better world, not to people who consciously supported dictators and massacres.

Of course, majpr medias are too concerned about shit to tell things like these. I knew about Kissinger's problem with European courts through the indipendent Italian newspaper "il manifesto". You can try but it's in Italian.