The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35408   Message #485784
Posted By: Joe Offer
18-Jun-01 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: New 'Folk Venues ' Category ?
Subject: RE: New 'Folk Venues ' Category ?
No need for clickies, Murray - just copy the URLs and paste them into a message here or in a personal message to me.
If I want to copy the URL for this thread, I point to the address bar on my browser and click until it turns blue. Then I right-click and select "copy." Then I point to where I want to put the URL, and right-click and select "paste."
When I'm on the Internet, I almost always have two browser windows open. You can open a new window from your browser's "file" mene, from the keyboard shortcut CTRL-N, or by right-clicking a link and selecting "open in new window."
-Joe Offer-